Adding Vehicles

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To add vehicles to QuickCab first go to Add New Vehicle in the QuickCab menu in the sidebar as shown in the image.

New vehicle menu

You will then be presented with a page that looks like this:

New vehicle admin page

Enter the name of the vehicle, note: customers will see this name when they use the booking form.

Pricing Structure

The next field is the Pricing Structure field, this allows you to customise how you charge your customers for this vehicle’s journeys. There are 4 options for this field:

Per mile/kilometre

This is the most conventional pricing structure and allows you to charge based on the distance the vehicle has travelled along with the following options:

  • starting price (base fare)
  • price per minute
  • price per passenger
  • price per suitcase

Per hour

This allows you to charge customers for every hour the vehicle is used (the duration of the journey will automatically be calculated using Google Maps and will include traffic data, QuickCab will round this up to the next hour). With this price mode you can add additional charges for:

  • price per passenger
  • price per suitcase

Per mile/kilometre (tiered)

This is the same as the per mile/kilometre option but allows your to set difference prices for ranges of distances. Each pricing tier contains a lower bound (distance from) and an upper bound (distance to) along with a price and an option to remove that tier. If, for example, I wanted to create the following pricing configuration:

  • 0-10 miles: £1.50/mile
  • 11-20 miles: £1.30/mile
  • 21+ miles: £1/mile

Then my vehicle configuration page would look like this:

Tiered pricing example table

Notice how the Price per mile field is £1.00. This means that if any journey exceeds the upper bound of the last tier (20 miles) then the remaining miles will use the default price per mile field. With this price mode you can add additional charges for:

  • price per minute
  • price per passenger
  • price per suitcase

Per hour (tiered)

This works on exactly the same principle as the Per mile/kilometre field but with hourly rates. With this price mode you can add additional charges for:

  • price per passenger
  • price per suitcase

Vehicle Options

  • Passenger capacity (minimum 1): used to calculate how many passengers you can carry in the vehicle
  • Suitcase capacity (minimum 0): used to calculate how many suitcases you can carry in the vehicle
  • Number owned (minimum 1): QuickCab will automatically calculate if this vehicle is available at the times the customer enters in the booking form given all other bookings of this vehicle.

Vehicle Image

This is used in the booking form when the customer has a list of vehicles to chose from and can be set here:

Edit vehicle image

This will then show in the booking form like so:

Booking form vehicle image

Vehicle Features

Vehicle features are attributes you can give each vehicle to let customers know if the vehicle has any additional features. They can be set below the vehicle image section and also have a full management page in the sidebar:

Vehicle features

This will then show in the booking form like so:

Vehicle features booking form


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