Quick Start Guide

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To install QuickCab, download it from the CodeCanyon website after purchase. Once it has been downloaded unzip the file and upload the quickcab_plugin.zip file to your WordPress website either through the user interface or by unzipping it and using an FTP.

Please ensure WooCommerce is installed before you install QuickCab! It will not work without it.

If you want to update QuickCab with any of the future updates that will be published you will first need to delete the old version of QuickCab from your website (this will not delete your QuickCab data). After this, upload the new version of QuickCab to your site and activate it.


Ensure you have selected the correct time zone you are in. To do this go to Settings > General and select a location closest to you, not a UTC offset.

Displaying the Form

To display a form you will need to go to the QuickCab admin area and click the ‘Booking Forms’ submenu. Add your settings for the form and click save. This will display a shortcode with an ID property which can be added to any page to display this form.

Google API Key Setup

API Keys are now required to use Google Maps API. This guide explains how to obtain a Google Maps API key:


The following APIs MUST be enabled for QuickCab to function correctly:

  • Directions API
  • Distance Matrix API
  • Geocoding API
  • Maps JavaScript API
  • Places API

These can be enabled in the Google Cloud Platform Console under the APIs section.

Due to the way QuickCab uses Google Maps APIs, you must create two different API keys and save them in the QuickCab settings.

To do this you have to go to Google Cloud Platform -> Credentials -> Create credentials

Important: You must add your billing details to your Google account to use the APIs.


More information on using the different features of QuickCab can be found in the Using QuickCab section of the documentation.

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